Many times Companies come with XBRL files and ask the professionals to convert the XBRL file to PDF format. Or ask for documents of specified companies financials which sometimes may be available in XBRL format. In such case, it becomes necessary to convert those XBRL files to PDF format (human readable format) so that one can read and analyse the same.
The financials of a company can be downloaded from MCA website through View Public Documents. Earlier all the Companies were required to file the financial documents in PDF format. For FY 2010-11 onwards, some of the specified companies are required to file the documents in XBRL format. So when we download the documents of these companies, they will be downloaded in XBRL form. This XBRL form cannot be read and understood without converting it to PDF format. One need to follow the below mentioned process to convert the downloaded XBRL file to PDF format.
Step 1: Download the documents from MCA website
Anybody can login to MCA Website and download a company’s all filing documents by paying a nominal fee of Rs. 100. The documents which can be downloaded are public documents. We cannot download any secret/private document of a company.
Step 2: Download the XBRL Validation tool
XBRL validation tool is a very important tool made available by MCA to improve quality of the financial information submitted through XBRL filing. While filing the XBRL documents, it is passed through this tool to check whether it meets all requirements of taxonomy & business rules set by MCA. Only a fully validated and prescrutinised document can only be filed with MCA.
Based on updated business rules and requirements, MCA keeps on updating the versions of validation tool. The latest version of Validation Tool can be downloaded from this link.
After downloading the file, unzip it and save it. Then click and run the XBRL tool file.
Step 3: Select the appropriate taxonomy.
After opening the XBRL Validation Tool, we need to download the taxonomy files before we load the XBRL document for validation or conversion. After downloading the required taxonomy, we need to select the appropriate taxonomy based on the taxonomy, the XBRL file has been generated by the Company. It will take some minutes and after that there will be a success message.
Step 4: Loading the XBRL document
After loading the required taxonomy, load the XBRL / XML documents in the validation tool. Go to File tab, then open and browse the document or grab the XBRL document to the validation tool.
Once it is done you will get the below screen.
Sometimes, you may face difficulty in uploading the documents. In such case, you need to change the taxonomy and try again.
Step 5: convert XBRL File to PDF
Once the document is successfully loaded, use ‘Export to PDF’ function in validation tool to convert XBRL document in PDF. This option is available under File menu. Finally save the PDF file.
Please comment for any query on “Process for conversion of XBRL file to PDF file”.
If you are still unable to convert then you can send the XBRL files to us at We shall convert and send the PDF files to you – [Charges are Rs.250/- per file. Please pay the amount on GPay / PayTM / Amazon Pay at 9724551800 and send the payment details alongwith files. This amount is exclusively for charity purpose.]