Forms Applicability &
Remarks Penalty/
Late Fees
E-form – INC-22A (Active Company Tagging Identities and Verification) All the companies incorporated on or before 31st of December, 2017 for filing details of the company and registered office with MCA On or before 25th April 2019 Notification Date 21st February, 2019 & applicable w.e.f. 25th of February, 2019) Form prepared on MCA portal for filing purpose Rs. 10,000/-
Initial MSME-1 To be filed by specified companies* for furnishing data with the registrar in reverence of outstanding payments to Micro or Small Enterprises. Within 30 days from the date of availability of form on MCA website Notification Date 22nd January 2019 The form is not ready for filing purpose on MCA website
Half yearly MSME return To be filed by specified companies* for furnishing data with the registrar in reverence of outstanding payments to Micro or Small Enterprises during the half year For April to September – by 31st of October
& For October to March – by 30th of April
Notification Date 22nd January 2019 The form is not ready for filing purpose on MCA website
One-time DPT-3 All Companies other than Government company for exposure of portions of outstanding money or loan received by the company but not counted as deposits On or before 22nd April 2019 Within 90 days from the date of notification issued. (Notification date 22nd January 2019) Updated DPT-3 not available for filing on MCA Portal Extra Fees
DPT-3 Yearly All Companies different from Government company for one-time disclosure of details of outstanding money or loan received by the company On or before 30th June from the end of Financial year Updated DPT-3 not ready for filing on MCA website Additional fees
DIR-3 KYC All director to whom DIN has been allotted for updating director’s database with MCA On or before 30th April 2019 Within 30 days from the end of 31st March 2019 Rs. 5,000/-
BEN-1 A person having Important beneficial owner shall file a declaration to the reporting company On or before 8th of May, 2019 i.e. within 90 days from the date of notification Notification Date 08th February 2019
BEN-2 Each reporting company shall file the return of important beneficial owners Within 30 days from the date of receipt of declaration in BEN-1 Notification Date 08th February 2019 The form is not ready for filing purpose on MCA website
E-form INC-20A For performing declaration and receiving the certificate of commencement of business Within 180 days from the date of incorporation of the company Applicable w.e.f. 02nd of November, 2018 Extra Fees